Pilot USA Push to Talk Switch for Icom Headset Adapters LIQUIDATION PRICING
This affordable Push to Talk (PTT) Switch from Pilot USA was developed specifically to work with the PA-81, 82, 82.4, 85, 95 headset adapters for Icom radios. The headset adapters convert standard .25 inch (PJ-055) and .206 inch (PJ-068) GA headset jacks to the unique Icom plugs. With the introduction of this PTT switch, you can also enjoy easy transmissions to ATC at the push of a button. Simply secure the switch to your control yoke with the integral Velcro strap and plug the jack into the appropriate headset adapter for pushbutton transmissions through your Icom transceiver. A must-have item for anyone who regularly operates an Icom aviation radio.