RAM TAB-Tite Universal Cradle for 7″ Tablets
Anyone who thought aviating with the aid of a small tablet computer meant handling the device with kid gloves is in for a pleasant surprise when they take the RAM TAB-Tite Universal Cradle for 7″ Tablets for a spin. This extremely well-designed cockpit convenience brings users uncompromised access to ALL of their gadget’s functionality, so they can count on 100% utility every time they take to the air.
The cradle’s rugged composite backing plate features a pair of integral, double-reinforced spring-loaded arms that enable the unit to easily adjust its size to accommodate a variety of small tablets – with or without a case! On each end, the item boasts custom support cups that cushion/hold the enclosed device while facilitating unfettered access to all its ports, buttons, jacks, etc. Additionally, these cups are interchangeable, so users who upgrade to the latest & greatest electronic offerings need only swap out the ends for the appropriate replacement cups (sold separately). The cradle also comes with a set of four nuts and bolts, which allow users to secure it to virtually any RAM or third-party mount (sold separately) with the standard AMPs hole arrangement. Fits devices from 7.125″-9.5″ H, 5.06″-5.68″W, and 0.13″-1″ D. An outstanding option for hands-free situational awareness that effortlessly adapts to match the way you fly.